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Cell advantages

The primary policy of Leasun design is safety and reliability, comprehensively considering the requirements of product performance, energy density and cycle life, as well as many factors such as cost, material, structure, supply chain, simulation, verification, manufacturing process, quality and equipment, so as to design optimized solutions that meet the needs of customers. The Central Laboratory of the company's Research Institute has a full set of testing and analysis capabilities for failure analysis of electric core raw materials, electronic components and products, and a full set of analysis and detection capabilities for the safety, reliability and electrical performance of cell, pack and BMS. It has passed the ISO/IEC17025 system certificate and obtained the accreditation qualification of CNAS National Laboratory.1647650723951777.gif

Advantages of battery pack

Advantages of battery pack



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208 Qianjin 1st Road, Tanzhou town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province

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Leasun New Energy Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. copyright